Mar 17, 2021Liked by Kate Lang

"With the loss of physical communities, it’s not that imagined communities don’t have their place. But what became obvious is that we must be incredibly careful in how we imagine them, and what we in turn assume about ourselves." - I love you and your ability to say everything I was struggling to give clarity to, but had no idea could be given words in a way that would suffice. Back at work, I find everyone gets along more, because employees become those at the "coffee house" who needed recurring community with those they relate with, and realized the gift of work being that (versus gossiping about coworkers/dreading going to work/boh v fof etcetc) And our guests are more distanced from us and less regular, but the experience better these days for them because we all get along and work hard to not risk losing it now, and our moments with guests are memorable because we are allowed only so many (simply for the need to be a part of a community, maybe). But, in a mostly virtual world this year, I sense the need to gather being easier than sitting with self is at a breaking point for many - so I hope that everyone celebrates the smallest accomplishments/realizations in each other so we grow and don't forget what we've learned and gone through - but let's take it step by step - and not say "thank god it's over" when many of us still never got to grieve those who didn't make it to today, unable to roll their eyes at the LA gal ordering her coffee saying that and not tipping, as we sit at our favorite coffee shop on the couch we fight to get first. Obviously, you get this. It's refreshing to have these weekly love letters to us all be part of the way I am redesigning my world/community - and the wine recs are also fucking stellar.

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I love you and I totally feel this! There are so many complicated feelings to navigate this year and I'm glad to be part of the restaurant community to have the support of friends like you. Thank you for reading!!

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Mar 15, 2021Liked by Kate Lang

Your articles on Sunday are interesting with so much foresight and intelligence. I love reading them. The pandemic has tested us all. I identify with your thoughts in receiving first shot. I felt like I did when Biden became president. A cloud over my head was lifted. So excited about your girls trip. I used to take them every year with high school friends. The best. Love miss you. Sending hugs to you and oscar

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Mar 14, 2021Liked by Kate Lang

Congratulations on joining the vaccine club! This blog was a lovely rumination on what has afflicted us this year. Thank you for unpacking those articles and making sense of their connections. Your examinations of these texts were not only illuminating, but also heartfelt. I love ending my weekend with your wisdom. Much love, Kate!

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